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看了International Channel的《彼得与狼》

发表于 2007-12-23 23:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Peter And The Wolf    © 2006  BreakThru Peter Ltd



- Suzie Templeton

BAFTA-winning director Suzie Templeton burst onto the internationalanimation scene with her multi-award winning film Stanley, a surrealand darkly comic story of a man who falls in love with a cabbage. Shefollowed this with the phenomenally successful Dog, a heart-breakingand chilling film about a boy coming to terms with the death of hismother. This film has won many of the animation world’s top prizes,including a British Animation Award and a BAFTA. In collaboration withBreakThru films, Suzie is now developing on a new half-hour adaptationof Prokofiev’s classic Peter and the Wolf, for cinemas and television.

- Hugh Welchman
- Alan Dewhurst

Co - Producers:
- Se-ma-for Studios
- Storm Studios

Executive Producers:
- Lars Hellebust
- Simon Olswang
- Luc Toutounghi

Music Director:
- Mark Stephenson

Music Education Specialist:
- Michael Spencer

Director of Sales & Marketing:
- Neil Mundy



  《彼得与狼》(Op.67) 是普罗科菲耶夫为儿童写的一部交响童话,完成于1936年春,同年5月2日在莫斯科的一次儿童音乐会上首次演出。该作品是普罗柯菲耶夫的代表作品之一。该曲虽以儿童为对象,但同时也使成人们产生很大兴趣。由作者本人所构思的情节和撰写的朗诵词,具有生动活泼而又深刻的教育意义。



[ 本帖最后由 电影王国国民 于 2007-12-24 01:10 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-23 23:39 | 显示全部楼层



  On the edge of the vast forests of Russia, where wolves still roam, lies a little cottage surrounded by a big, high fence. This is where Peter lives with his grumpy Grandfather. Grandfather will not let Peter go out into the forest. "What if a wolf comes? What then?"


  Peter has a friend,  the lovable Duck. Peter wants to run free in the forest and have adventures with Duck.


  One day a squawky Bird with a broken wing arrives in the yard.  Bird is very impatient with Peter.  "What are you waiting for?  Steal the key to the gate!  The forest is waiting for us".  The forest!…  Grandfather would be so furious if he found out…;  but his friends give him courage.

  一天,一只断了翅膀的苍鹭来到了院子里。小鸟对着彼得非常不耐烦。“你到底在等什么?偷了钥匙然后溜之大吉呀!森林在等着我们呢。”森林!... ...但如果被爷爷发现了的话,他一定暴跳如雷... ...但小鸟给彼得勇气了。

  His heart beating fast, Peter tiptoes into the cottage and reaches over his sleeping Grandfather and the snoring, fat Cat.  Ever so carefully Peter takes the keys to the gate.


  Peter has the time of his life playing in the forest with his friends.  He helps Bird to fly,using a balloon and some rope. Then everyone skates on the frozen lake.


  Everyone, that is, except Cat.  She chases Bird, but is so fat that she crashes straight through the ice and into the freezing water.  How they all laugh at her!


  Grandfather awakes and sees that Peter is in the forest.  Very angry, he grabs his gun and, as fast as his stiff, old legs will carry him, rushes outside. He grabs Peter off the ice. Peter does not want to leave his friends; they were having so much fun; but Grandfather drags him back into the yard.


  Suddenly the forest goes quiet.  Peter senses something.  Quickly he looks out through a hole in the fence… and there, on top of the rocks, standing stock-still,muscles taut, majestically surveying the scene, stands the WOLF.

  突然之间,森林鸦雀无声。彼得觉得有些不妥,马上在栅栏的洞口往外望去... ...那里,在石礁的上面,站着一只屏息以待、肌肉绷紧的狼,正威风凛凛地探勘着周遭。

  Moments later the Wolf snatches up Duck, tosses her high into the air and swallows her in a single gulp.  Peter's best friend, eaten by the Wolf, before his very eyes!


  Peter is sadder than he has ever been.  But then his sadness turns to anger.  He is not playing anymore.  He is going to get even with the Wolf!


  Peter  slings a heavy net over his shoulder and climbs up the tall fence. It is so high! But he will not let himself turn back. He is determined to get up into the tree and somehow capture the Wolf.


  Things go wrong, Peter falls from the tree and the Wolf attacks him. Eventually, after a fierce struggle, Peter catches the Wolf.


  Grandfather drives into town with the captured Wolf, Peter standing, triumphant, on top of the Wolf's cage.


  The town bullies arrive, wanting to steal the limelight from Peter.  To show how brave they are, they tease the defenseless Wolf with a gun.


  Peter knows what needs to be done. He opens the cage. This is no place for a wolf... even if he did eat Duck.


  The Wolf races back to the wild forest. This is just fine with Peter... because boys like Peter are not afraid of wolves.

  狼跑回大森林,彼得觉得很好... ...因为像彼得这样的男孩子并不怕狼。

[ 本帖最后由 电影王国国民 于 2007-12-24 01:07 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-24 01:13 | 显示全部楼层

Peter and the Wolf [part-1]:

Peter and the Wolf [part-2]:

[ 本帖最后由 电影王国国民 于 2007-12-24 01:15 编辑 ]
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发表于 2007-12-24 23:11 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-12-24 23:34 | 显示全部楼层
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