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发表于 2008-1-11 21:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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我今日震惊的发现有位叫 “Keen" 的人竟然号称是翻译,然后原封不动地将我去年10月份翻译并发表在变盟论坛上的13页的所谓网上泄露变2真人电影剧本里的一些东西搬到 “四川新闻网--成都晚报讯上”,并造谣放风说这就是09年变形金刚2的确切剧情。


侵权是小事,但误导读者是大事: 因为我10月翻译的剧本最后被权威鉴定为伪作,而且其原作者也在10月上旬出来道歉了。

我在把 “谣传中2009年变形金刚2泄露剧本的部分中文翻译,好故事!(3) 结束”帖子上传到变盟“第七区(SECTOR-SEVEN)_07剧场版专区”的第二天就在网上找到了原作者的道歉文,但由于当时情绪的落差,我没把及时地把道歉文的原文翻译成中文,只是在变盟自己的“......好故事!(3)结束”帖子的跟贴里对此事作了简单的说明同时也加上了道歉文英文的原处链接。





http://www.iesb.net/index.php?op ... =3463&Itemid=81



原文:  Robert Sanchez

翻译:  Timothy CUI (tfclub.com ID: 就是喜欢第一代)

原文作于:2007年10月11日, 周四。

这周,IESB 网终于找到了互联网上盛传的所谓泄露剧本的背后真像。



这么棒的剧本究竟是谁写的呢?很多人,包括我自己(Robert Sanchez)也认为这是 出之于艾伦-克鲁戈 (Ehren Kruger  注: 现为变2的编剧之一,但当是还不是),是他当时为了争取到变2的编剧权而写的一个预稿。



是不是奥西(Orci)或克滋门(Kurtzman. 注:现变2的另外两位编剧)写的呢?



也是, 也不是。






对此事件为甚么会发生, 我们最好地推测是:有人从()那拿到了原剧本的PDF文件, 修改后传阅,然后在周六或周日上传(很明显,和剧本第一次在网上被发现的时间吻和)。即使我们刚开始只想把剧本放到网上某个不起眼的角落,但很明显,现在在我们看来这是不奏效的。我常使用()论坛(()和我以前学校同名)来写评论和一些我在洛杉矶的经历。

虽然剧本被雪藏,我们还是被网上大数量的好评奉承了。但要再提一次,这剧本既未被剧组当权者采用也未被读到。我俩希望能通过IESB网络让更多的变迷知道这一点。变2制作单位的权益应被保障,变2故事和情节的创作也不应该被这些错误的消息所干扰。补充一点,我们希望大家能够明白:我俩不仅对此事件感到不安,而且对事件搞的这么大也是始料不及的。它的不良影响波及到了不只是广大的变迷,而且还有变2的制作工程(特别是对制作人丹摩菲本人(Don Murphy))。我俩对此事造成的危害深表歉意。






译者:  Timothy CUI  a.k.a. "就是喜欢第一代" 翻译于 2008年1月9日晚于墨尔本,澳大利亚。 


http://www.iesb.net/index.php?op ... =3463&Itemid=81

Origin of Leaked Transformers 2 Treatment Revealed!

Written by Robert Sanchez  
Thursday, 11 October 2007

The IESB has gotten the details behind the leaked Transformers 2 treatment that has been circulating around?the web this week.

The internet has been buzzing over the alleged leaked treatment for Transformers 2 and for good reason, it was damn good. It had plenty of elements that fan boys are drooling over and then the webmaster from MichaelBay.com, Nelson, chimes in by alluding that it was not fan fiction but instead a treatment that had been submitted by a Hollywood writer(s).

This began the speculation over who the writer was. Who had submitted this totally awesome treatment? Some, including myself, thought that it might have been something that Ehren Kruger used to get his new gig as the third writer for Transformers 2.

So was it Ehren Kruger? Nope. So was it Orci or Kurtzman? Nope.?Was a Hollywood screenwriter?just submitting a treatment? Yes and no. It was actually a pitch/treatment that was submitted by a couple of unsigned writers that have some Hollywood ties.

Last night I was contacted by the pair who really wanted to clear up any confusion that fans may have.

We have edited the following email to protect the writers’ identities -

Begin Email

We are two unrepresented writers with links to [edited]. While we did intend to have Bay's people read the treatment, in no way is our treatment officially linked with the studios or either camp. Prior to this whole debacle, no one associated with the movie had read our treatment. They signed off on a writer before we could get it in the hands of our contacts. Not to mention, the legal tape we would have had to get through was an additional issue as unrepresented writers.

As best we can figure, someone took the pdf file of the original treatment from [edited], doctored it, then tried to pass it off as some kind of scoop, posting it either on Saturday or Sunday (when the leaked treatment first appeared, apparently). Though we initially posted the treatment in what we thought was an obscure corner of the internet, it's obvious to us now that there is no such thing. [edited] is a forum I post on quite regularly ([edited] is where I went to school), writing reviews and sometimes posting about my experiences in LA.

While we are flattered by the overwhelmingly positive reaction the treatment itself has garnered, again, it was by no means ever considered by the powers that be as a viable option, nor read by them either. We just want that made clear to as many people as IESB can reach. The rights of the studio need to be protected, and the production deserves to progress without false perceptions of their actual plot/story. In addition, we ask that it be made clear that we are not only agitated, but dumbfounded by this whole phenomenon and apologize for any inconvenience it must have caused not only the fans, but those involved with the project as well (especially for Don Murphy...wow).

End of Email

The writing duo supplied the IESB with the original unmarked pdf and have given enough information to confirm that treatment is indeed theirs.

So there you have it, the leaked Transformers 2 treatment is not official.

We can only hope that that real story for Transformers 2 is just a big and epic as this one was. Advice to two original writers, get an agent because your writing and understanding of this genre appears to be top notch.



变1,变2电影制作人丹摩菲(Don Murphy)07年10月7日在他个人的留言版上对此事件的最后回应:


So in summary

1- Some idiot posted some stupid story
2- Apparently it was good.
3- It thankfully wasn't real, because, well writers don't start writing till deals are done and they aren't.
4- Not one single person/fan/stooge/alleged friend alerted me to the situation which, HAD it been real would have been bad for the film, not to mention illegal.
5- Two Jackoffs, Phoenix.Prime and Mainframe III decided they wanted to be banned for defending assholic actions.
6- I am done with the subject and have to go make eggs for a friend who is staying with us.

And the Angel said unto them, "In Nazareth a Stooge is born who Will in time become King of The Internets"



1- 某白痴上传了一个蠢故事;

2- 故事明显写的不错;

3- 庆幸的是故事不是真的,因为编剧不会在签约之前开始写脚本,(当时)他们还未签约;

4- 竟然没有一个人/变迷/坛友/自想当然的朋友来警告我: 如果这剧本是真的,对电影可能是个灾难,还先不说它的不合法性;

5- Phoenix. Prime 和 Mainframe III 这两个蠢货准备为他们的混蛋行径被禁言;(丹不知道 Prime 与 Mainframe 其实是同一个人在用两个论坛马甲。此人因为刚刚坚持说“泄露剧本”写的好而和丹摩菲干了起来);

6- 这件事我就这样定论了,我要为个朋友炒鸡蛋去。


[ 本帖最后由 期待着!! 于 2008-1-11 22:04 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-11 21:58 | 显示全部楼层



Originally Posted by DieHardG1Fan   

..."There's one out that's fake right now. There are going to be many others."...

Does Bay refer "one" here to the recent Leaked 13 pages Transformers 2 Treatment?

Thankheaven: Probably, that is a confirmed fake, even Don said so.


我问:“(引用:迈克尔.贝讲:...当前已经有一个假剧本在外边了,还将会有更多的假剧本出来。”...) 贝在这提及的 ‘一个’ 是不是指这段时间的 ‘13页泄露的变2剧本’ ?
Thankheaven 回复: 可能。那个是已被确认了的假货,即使丹摩菲也是这样讲。

(Thankheaven 是留言版一位资深坛友)



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